• All golf shots must be directed towards the screens.

  • No swinging clubs outside of the simulator bays. Keep it on the hitting mat.

  • Only one person is allowed in the simulator bay while someone is swinging.

  • Keep awareness of the person golfing and stay out of someone’s swing radius.

  • Report any accidents immediately.

  • No alcoholic beverages or drugs are permitted on premises. This includes vaping.

  • Before reserving simulator time, you must sign the liability waiver. It can be found during account registration or by clicking here.

  • The person reserving the simulator bay agrees to be financially responsible for any damages caused by failure to follow these rules.


  • Help keep our screens clean! Please ensure your shoes and clubs are clean before entering the simulators.

  • No marked golf balls. It wears off and gets on the screen.

  • No boots or heels on the turf.

  • Keep food and drinks on your table, no food or drinks are allowed inside the simulator bay at any time.

  • Please notify the attendant of any computer issues before attempting to fix it.

  • No animals are allowed.

  • Be respectful of the facility, equipment, and other guests.

Failure to abide by any of the above rules may result in cancellation of your remaining simulator time without compensation or account suspension.